Children's & Youth Ministries

For youth on the reservation, the likelihood of completing high school is far below US average due to poverty, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and family responsibilities.  Alcoholism begins before middle school, marijuana, cocaine and meth following quickly.  For many,  gang affiliation and frequent visits to jail are also part of their teens years.

Children’s Ministries

Mobile Ministry and Many Fun Events!

This Church Bus is rolling, four afternoons each week!   With two women from the San Carlos Apache Nation doing the driving and teaching, we are excited!  Children of the first “Bus Kids” are now attending this amazing part of ARM. Bible lessons, object lessons, memory verses, crafts and games all flow from a common theme as intentional lessons are taught to so MANY kids and teens on a weekly basis!  The ARM Team also hosts special events, such as Vacation Bible Schools at Reservation churches, Family Fun Days, and assists in carnivals, parades and more.  Through the Church Bus, we are also blessed to provide backpacks each July for the beginning of a new school year, and Christmas Stockings and fleece blankets just before Christmas. Over 100 children have proclaimed their commitment to Christ in baptism through ARM’s Children’s Ministries since 2012! These are exciting times! In January of 2024, we were able to purchase a Class A RV!  This will be much more reliable than our diesel bus, which also required a CDL driver. We’re thanking God for this provision!

Youth Ministries

We are blessed with the opportunity to share the Gospel by word, deed and heart with the youth of the San Carlos Apache Nation!  Many who are now passing through those typically turbulent years have been part of our Church Bus (see ARM’s Children’s Ministries) for a long time.  We remember when they were little and went from diapers to “big girl panties,” when they celebrated a birthday, lost their mama to a meth overdose, or spent time in jail for releasing the anger from the abuse at home.  Life for many teens of San Carlos includes so many heart-breaking situations that our earnest plea is that you will passionately pray for them. We are excited about the latest ministry ARM is providing for these teens!  Four traveling basketball teams not only receive the adventures of competition across Arizona, but also  regular practices with Bible lessons and mentorship as well.  Several of these team members have already chosen Christ as their Savior!  We are also praying that our Friday evening gatherings, complete with dinner, games, Bible lessons and time to privately confide and pray, would resume soon. Please join us in praying that our ARM Youth Ministers can resume these powerful gatherings soon.  Please pray for them as the attacks of the evil one have been physically brutal this past year.

The Bus…and more!

Our Church Bus visits several neighborhoods of the San Carlos Apache Reservation, averaging 120 kids in attendance each week!  Children of former “Bus Kids” are now attending.  Roxie has her commercial driver’s license, and Vermaleen takes the lead in planning and presenting powerful lessons. Both women are from the Reservation, setting an example that’s incredibly strong.  We’re hoping YOU can be part of the excitement for an afternoon, too! We’re praying (hard!) for the Lord to provide a Class A Recreational vehicle.  With Bus breakdowns, etc., having this tool would make our visits much more reliable.

We are excited and honored to serve through this special vehicle!  The Church Bus rolls into four neighborhoods on a weekly basis, reaching over 160 children and teens.  Lessons, crafts and games all are intentionally planned to lead these precious ones to deep relationships with the God of Hope. In addition to these visits, the Bus Team and the Youth leaders also host special events throughout the year, such as Vacation Bible Schools at Reservation churches, Sports Camps, Family Fun Days, and assists in carnivals, parades and more! We are also blessed to provide backpacks each July for the beginning of a new school year, and Christmas Stockings and fleece blankets just before Christmas. Please download the attached brochure for more information, and ways you can help.