Urgent Needs

Urgent Prayers Needed!

PRAYER IS ALWAYS THE GREATEST NEED, so Prayer Journeys have occurred often in the 22 years of ARM's existence: We travel the western loop of the San Carlos Apache Reservation, joining ARMs with them, sharing the situations and stopping to simply pray.


Critical Needs of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, Requested by Arizona Reservation Ministries

On July 11, 2024, the Watch Fire blazed through the Reservation, changing course several times as 50 M.P.H.+ winds propelled the devastation. Thirteen homes plus many out-buildings were destroyed. Over 75 people lost EVERYTHING. We're working with Tribal Leaders to try to replace at least two of these homes.

Pray for the broken-hearted; pray for their vulnerability.

Pray for Tribal leaders...and Federal Government leaders. Now THEY are involved as well, so we're waiting on the EPA before clean-up and rebuilding can start.